Q-med Clinic is a modern medical institution that meets the highest standards, equipped with the latest diagnostic and laboratory equipment, allowing you to conduct the most complex studies with high reliability and accuracy of results.

Our doctors
  • Biktasheva Khazina Musataevna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, professor of the department, doctor of the highest category, CEO of the Q-med clinic
  • Kudaibergenov Talgat Kapaevich
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, oncologist, surgeon of the highest category, professor, doctor of medical sciences.
  • Kravtsova Tatyana Gennadievna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category
  • Murzabekova Gulnar Sarkytovna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, MD, professor.
  • Lyalkova Inna Alexandrovna
    Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology, doctor of the highest category
  • Pak Natalia Anatolievna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category
  • Bazylbekova Zeynep Omirzakovna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, doctor of the highest category
  • Dikanbaeva Saule Alkeevna
    Nephrologist, MD, professor, doctor of the highest category
  • Salimbaeva Damilya Nurgazievna
    Geneticist, Ph.D.
  • Samartseva Ekaterina Viktorovna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist, master, doctor of the highest category
  • Abdumanapova Marina Khalilovna
    Therapist, doctor of the highest category
  • Cherednyakova Olga Valerievna
    Speech pathologist
  • Zhdanov Dmitry Yurievich
    Ultrasound diagnostician, urologist
  • Zhunusova Bakytgul Bokenshinovna
    Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics
  • Tuseeva Klara Khusainovna
    Obstetrician-gynecologist. Doctor of the highest category
  • Tsoi Flora Leonidovna
    Pediatrician, doctor of the highest category
  • Dzhakupova Aigul Saruarovna

    Doctor endocrinologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences
Make an appointment online
Almaty, Kurmangazy st. , 96B / Amangeldy, 84
+7 (700) 355 00 00
+7 (727) 355 00 00